Contact Biggleswade District at hello@biggleswadedistrictscouts.org.uk
Nights Away (NaN and NaP)
Download the latest NaN form from the Scout’s website, fill out and send to nan@biggleswadedistrictscouts.org.uk along with your plan and Risk Assessments. Ensure this is the latest version and send at least 7 days before the event.
If you need you Nights Away Permit (or need to renew) you need to fill out the Nights Away Application Form ASAP and email Pete at nan@biggleswadedistrictscouts.org.uk
We work with County on a training programme. Contact your GSL or Section Leader if you are unsure where you are at with training, or our District Training Manager at Rob.Pullinger@biggleswadedistrictscouts.org.uk
Awards are an important part to recognise achievements within our District. We are building further comms on this for 2024, but you can email the team at awards@biggleswadedistrictscouts.org.uk
We update our social media with all the latest fun from across the District.
We also have a monthly Sway sent on the 1st with useful details. The latest one can be found here
District Shop
The District shop, located at Boyd Field, is open Tuesdays and Thursdays between 19:00-20:30 during term time. Badges, uniform and more. Cash and card accepted. Buying from the District supports local Scouting.
Boyd Field
Our District campsite, which you can find prices and full details on their website here
Who are we
Check out who is within the District, as well as loads of other useful information on our website